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Listing of docs

Authoring Pages

Since all pages in MarkdownMaster CMS are simply plain text markdown files, writing content is as easy as writing a text file. In addition to all the basic syntaxes available in Markdown, there are a number of additional format options provided to simplify web authoring.

Development & Contributing Guide

These are instructions for development work on the framework itself, and not required for normal use of the library in your own site.

CMS Document-level Events

For extendability, several events are dispatched at the document level of the page. This allows custom script to tie into events regardless of where they are defined.

Layouts & Templates

Layouts in MarkdownMaster CMS are HTML files with just basic templating replacement features. At the current version only two dynamic tags are supported.

Listing Pagination

Pagination is not enabled by default, but is available from within listing layouts.

Site Configuration

The bulk of configuration required is performed within `config.js` or `config.php`.

Extra - Background Slider

Render child elements with the `.item` class inside the container as slider components. Works by cycling through the children of the element, marking as `.active` one at a time.

Extra - CMS-Author

Render an author as an embedded widget, (using selectable layout template)

Extra - CMS-Pagelist

Provide a block of content from a collection, eg: a list of blog posts or a list of authors.

A vanilla JavaScript plug-in without production dependencies for displaying images, videos, or, through custom sources, anything you want in a clean overlying box. The project's website:

Upgrade from 2.x to 3.0

Since this has been a substantial rewrite, some features will require updating, (depending on what is used on your specific site).

Upgrade from 3.0 to 3.1

```bash apt install fcgiwrap python3 python3-venv python3 -m venv /opt/markdownmaster /opt/markdownmaster/bin/pip3 install Markdown beautifulsoup4 python-frontmatter lxml chmod +x "$/cgi-bin/" chmod +x "$/cgi-bin/" chmod +x "$/cgi-bin/" ```

Upgrade 4.0 to 5.0

New backend requires a new .htaccess to be installed. This is a notable change as the backend processor changed from Python to PHP to better support multi-tenant environments.