Provide a block of content from a collection, eg: a list of blog posts or a list of authors.
To load this functionality from HTML:
or from within config.js
extras: {
'cms-pagelist': {}
<cms-pagelist type="posts" layout="pages"></cms-pagelist>
Parameter | Required | Example | Description |
type | yes | "posts,pages,etc" | Any valid content type defined on your site |
layout | no | "post-list" | Layout to use for rendering content, useful for controlling UX |
link | no | "^posts/subproject/.+" | Regex or regular string to match, will only include matchings files |
sort | no | "datetime-r" | Sort results by a specific key |
limit | no | 5 | Limit the number of results returned |
filter-* | no | "filter-tag" | Filter results by a specific key |
{@link module:CMS~FileCollection#filterSort sort options}
{@link module:CMS~File#matchesAttributeSearch Filter options}