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Upgrade from 3.1 to 4.0

Tags and other lists in Markdown files now expect to be YAML-compatible lists

  • tags: blah, foo => tags: [blah, foo]
  • Dates listed as date: 2023-01-01 will be rendered as Date objects, switch to date: '2023-01-01' (with quotes) for best results

Banners and images no longer auto-resolve as URLs, instead src or href needs to be used in YAML data

  • banner: somefile.jpg => banner: { src: somefile.jpg }

Moved some plugins to built-in

  • site.enablePlugin(['pagelist']) => N/A (built-in)
  • site.enablePlugin(['search']) => N/A (built-in)
  • site.enablePlugin(['remarkable']) NEW RENDERER