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Listing Pagination

Pagination is not enabled by default, but is available from within listing layouts.

Enable Pagination

Add a line in the appropriate list layout with the requested number of results-per-page. In this example, we will set the number of pages to 10.

<% data.paginate(10) %>

Display Pager

Pages without a pager is less than beneficial, so adding a pager somewhere on the listing page would make sense. There is no system pager which allows you to customize your own.

Renders « Page 2 of 5 »

<% if (data.totalPages > 1) { %>
    <!-- Only render if there is more than 1 page, as available from `totalPages` -->

    <% if ( > 1) { %>
        <!-- If current page is > 1, display previous -->
        <a href="<%= data.getPreviousPageUrl() %>" title="Previous Page">
    <% } %>

    <!-- Display current page and total number of pages -->
    Page <%= %> of <%= data.totalPages %>

    <% if ( < data.totalPages) { %>
        <!-- If current page is < last page, display next -->
        <a href="<%= data.getNextPageUrl() %>" title="Next Page">
    <% } %>
<% } %>

Another option is to display each page.

Renders 1 2 3 4 5 (with current page being a span)

<% if (data.totalPages > 1) { %> <!-- Only render if there is more than 1 page, as available from `totalPages` --> <% for(let i = 1; i <= data.totalPages; i++) { %> <!-- Display 1 ... total with a link --> <% if ( !== i) { %> <a href="<%= data.getPageUrl(i) %>" title="Go to page <%= i %>"> <%= i %> </a> <% } else { %> <span> <%= i %> </span> <% } %> <% } %> <% } %>