MarkdownMaster CMS Logo

Upgrade 4.0 to 5.0

HTAccess and Backend Changes

New backend requires a new .htaccess to be installed. This is a notable change as the backend processor changed from Python to PHP to better support multi-tenant environments.

This upgrade requires either PHP 8.2 or newer or for the application to be installed in CLIENT-ONLY mode. (eg: no support for backend processing of markdown files and no crawler support.)

This requires a new config.php to be configured (as opposed to cgi-bin/config.ini).

You will also need to ensure that index.php is installed in the root directory.

Application Paths

Default path for application changed from js/cms.js to app/cms.js.

Frontend configuration is no longer required when in SERVER mode, and otherwise has moved to the root directory.

New Initialization


const site = CMS(config);
// ...


// ...

Remarkable now default

If your configuration script includes site.enablePlugin(['remarkable']);, that definition can safely be removed. This component is now included by default.

This includes the configuration directive markdownEngine: null in config.js. Remove this as it will set the engine to NULL which will render raw markdown, (unless that's what you want).

Plugin pagebodyclass Removed

This plugin has been removed as it is now baked into the CMS natively. Remove any enablePlugin directive for that plugin.

New Plugin Loading





Additionally, many plugins will NOT be compatible with the new API. If errors are encountered, just switch them to <script src="/extras/whatever-plugin.js"></script> in the HTML.

Plugin loading via the initial load() no longer loads the plugin, but only loads the configuration data for that plugin.

This allows plugins like cms-form to have the forms configuration loaded at init but the plugin file not loaded until a page is viewed which requires that functionality.

Some Plugins Removed from Core

A number of plugins have been removed from the core application. To restore their functionality, include them with CMS.loadExtra(...) directives.

(Ensure to include the plugin itself if you are cherry-picking the install.)

These include:

  • cms-author
  • cms-icon
  • cms-pagelist
  • cms-search
  • cms-tags