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Extra - CMS-Form


To load this functionality from HTML:

CMS.loadExtra('cms-form', {...form configuration parameters...});

or from within config.js

extras: {
  'cms-form': {...form configuration parameters...}


When running in server mode, the configuration can be pulled automatically from the server-side configuration in config.php.

    "name-of-form": {
        "fields": {
            "field-name": { ...field-definition... },

Each field definition should be keyed with the field name and can contain the following fields:

  • label - The label to display for the field
  • type - The type of field (text, email, textarea)
  • placeholder - The placeholder text for the field
  • required - True/False Whether the field is required

Actions set from server configuration are only used on the backend and are not transmitted to the client.

Required Schema



<cms-form name="contact" success="pages/contact-thanks"></cms-form>

Will render the author's profile using the default layout template.


  • name - The key name of the form to render
  • success - The page fragment to redirect to on successful submission

Example Styles