MarkdownMaster CMS Logo

Upgrade from 2.x to 3.0

Since this has been a substantial rewrite, some features will require updating, (depending on what is used on your specific site).


Page URLs have been changed from query hashes to full standard URLs via the History API. This requires a new .htaccess or nginx.conf to be installed (depending on the server you chose). Consult the respective file within examples/.


Plugins have been retooled and need refactored to work correctly. Given the default example plugin:

// 2.x Example plugin
function myPlugin() {
    // Do some code
    console.log('loading test plugin');

// Config
var config = {

  // ...

  // Pass in any custom functions or plugins here and access the CMS object.
  plugins: [

  // ...

  // This function will be called once the CMS instance is loaded and ready.
  onload: function() {

    // ...

    // Access the loaded plugins like this.

This example plugin would need to be rewritten to:

// 3.x+ plugin
    init: () => {
      // Do some code
      console.log('loading test plugin');

// Access the loaded plugins like this.


The configurable options onload and onroute are still supported, but this functionality has been ported to the following code:

 * Called immediately upon successful initialization of the CMS
 * @param {CMS} event.detail.cms The CMS object passed for reference
document.addEventListener('cms:load', event => {
  event.detail.cms.debuglog('CMS initialized and ready to run user-specific code!', event.detail.cms);

 * Called after any page load operation
 * @param {CMS} event.detail.cms CMS object for reference if needed
 * @param {FileCollection[]|null} event.detail.collection Collection of files to view for listing pages
 * @param {File|null} event.detail.file Single file to view when available
 * @param {string} event.detail.mode Type of view, usually either "list", "single", or error.
 * @param {string} Any search query
 * @param {string} event.detail.tag Any tag selected to view
 * @param {string} event.detail.type Content type selected
document.addEventListener('cms:route', event => {
  event.detail.cms.debuglog('Page being displayed', event.detail);