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Install Guide - Apache

Apache2 can be used to host your own site, but needs a module to be enabled.

rewrite is required as it will allow URLs to be rewritten and resolved via the History API. This will also perform rewrites for search crawlers to ensure they retrieve content when crawling the various .html links.

Install dependencies, (if required)

sudo apt install apache2 php libapache2-mod-php

Setup apache (tested on Debian/Ubuntu)

Enable the modules necessary and restart the web server.

sudo a2enmod rewrite
sudo a2enmod "php$(php -v | egrep '^PHP' | sed 's:PHP \([0-9]*\.[0-9]*\).*:\1:')"
sudo systemctl restart apache2

Install Files

Download the full latest release and extract to your web root, (/var/www/html, public_html, or where ever your site is located).

Configure Application

Copy .htaccess.example to .htaccess and edit as necessary. Take note of the RewriteBase directive and SSL/www rules if necessary.

Copy config.example.php to config.php and edit as necessary.

Refer to the site configuration doc for more information.