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Extra - Background Slider

Render child elements with the .item class inside the container as slider components. Works by cycling through the children of the element, marking as .active one at a time.

Supports images, divs, and videos. For normal elements, a timer is used to automatically advance the slide. For videos, the next-slide advance is performed at the end of the video playback.


To load this plugin from raw HTML:


OR to load this plugin from a layout:

<% CMS.loadExtra('background-slider'); %>

OR to load this plugin from a page:

  - background-slider


None Required

Required Schema

Schema is not required if items are manually defined in HTML. When using auto-lookup mode, each video should have a src property, images should have a src and alt, and text is just text.

example schema:

    - src: 'media/example-2845487.webm'
    - src: 'media/pexels-mccutcheon-1191710.webp'
      alt: 'Picture of multi colored pieces of plastic'
    - This is literal text that will get rendered in place of a background


Example usage in a layout template using auto-lookup for items

<% if (heading.backgrounds) { %>
    <% CMS.loadExtra('background-slider'); %>
        type="<%= data.type %>"
        file="<%= data.permalink %>"
<% } %>

Given the HTML:

<background-slider timeout="5000">
    <img class="item" src="image1.jpg"/>
    <video class="item"><source src="video1.mp4"></video>
    <div class="item">Some HTML content</div>

The first image will become <img class="item active" src="image1.jpg"/> for 5 seconds.

Then that first item will have .active removed and the video playback will be started and .active added to its class list.

After the video has ended, that video will have .active removed and the next .item marked as .active for 5 seconds, before the loop restarts.


  • timeout - The time in milliseconds to display each slide before advancing
  • type - (AUTO MODE) The type of collection to pull backgrounds from
  • file - (AUTO MODE) The specific file to pull backgrounds from (permalink of the file)
  • tag - (AUTO MODE) The tag to pull backgrounds from

Example Styles

background-slider {
    position: relative;

background-slider .item {
    position: absolute;
    top: 0;
    left: 0;
    width: 100%;
    height: 100%;
    object-fit: cover;
    opacity: 0;
    transition: opacity 1s ease;

background-slider {
    opacity: 1;