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Authoring Pages

Since all pages in MarkdownMaster CMS are simply plain text markdown files, writing content is as easy as writing a text file. In addition to all the basic syntaxes available in Markdown, there are a number of additional format options provided to simplify web authoring.

Content Locations

Different themes will support different content types, but pages are pretty ubiquitous, and those content files are stored in the pages directory of the site root.

Blog themes will often use posts and authors as well, for publishing blog articles (differentiated from just content pages), and author information.

To create a new page or post, just create a new .md text file within the desired directory or copy an existing file or template. Nested directories ARE supported, but common practices advise against nesting too deeply.

A common usage (especially for posts), is to group files by date published to better organize them, otherwise you will end up with a mess of files and assets.

The following directory structure examples will all provide the same automatic date string parsing from the URL.

# All posts are just in the root directory
 - posts/
# Group posts by year, include month and day in the filename
 - posts/
    |- 2021/
# Group posts by year, month, then day (probably excessive)
 - posts/
    |- 2021/
       |- 01
          |- 02
# Group posts by year and month, include day in filename
 - posts/
    |- 2021-01/

Page Meta Data

HTML pages have a number of meta attributes that are used to describe the page to search engines and other tools. This goes outside the scope of basic markdown, but is supported in MarkdownMaster CMS via YAML front matter.

This metadata conforms to the standard YAML specification markup at the beginning of each file inside --- blocks.

--- title: Authoring Pages author: Charlie Powell tags: [Howto, Markdown, Authoring] ---

Note, it's important that the very first line is ---. If the first line in the file is not ---, the YAML front matter will not be parsed and this metadata will be considered part of the body.

Tags and Lists of Values

To define a list of tags, wrap the tags with [ ... ] or list them on each line with a - prefix, for example these two will provide the same results:

tags: [Howto, Markdown, Authoring]
  - Howto
  - Markdown
  - Authoring

Images and URLs

For images and URLs where extra information may be needed, it is often beneficial to break them out into the various important tag.

  src: images/page_banner.jpg
  alt: A banner image featuring something

  href: https://mysite.tld
  title: Check Out My Cool Thing!

IMPORTANT, when tags are defined with a src or href key, the value is auto-mapped based on the location of the file.

Example: if image.src is set to media/some_image.jpg in a file located at pages/ on https://mysite.tld, that value will get auto-resolved to https://mysite.tld/pages/media/some_image.jpg.

If the value is fully resolved already, it will not be modified.

If the value starts with /, it is assumed to be at the root of the website, and just the URL is prepended.

Common Meta Attributes

Attribute Description
layout An alternative layout template for rendering this file
title Title to use for H1 and on listing pages
seotitle Browser title to set when viewing the page
excerpt Short excerpt or description of this page to display on listing pages
description Description of this page to use for SEO purposes
date Date this article was published
author Name or alias of the author of this page
tags Comma-separated list of tags for the content on this page
image Fully resolve or relative path to preview image of this page

Protected Attributes

DO NOT USE THESE! These are reserved for internal use only, but are available for use in your templates.

Attribute Description
body The raw markdown content of this page
bodyLoaded The rendered HTML content of this page
config The configuration object for this page
content The rendered HTML content of this page
name The filename of this page
permalink The permalink of this page
type The type of content this is (page, post, etc)
url The URL of this page

Other Attributes

Themes will support additional parameters; consult the documentation for the installed theme for more information about specific attributes that may be supported.

Page Headers

By default, page headers (H1 elements) are rendered within the layout template for content based off metadata, so the inclusion of one is not necessary.

--- title: My Page --- # My Page ...

This example will produce the following result because the page title is effectively defined twice:

<h1>My Page</h1>
<h1>My Page</h1>

Page Content and Markdown

Since this is a markdown content system, markdown syntax is used for writing the articles.
Refer to the official markdown syntax guide for a refresher on details.


Images are supported within both the image:... metadata and from within article content. These images can either be fully resolved or relatively resolved (relative to the file you are editing).

![test image](test-icon.gif)

Referencing images relative to the base file works because the browser will make the request relative to that file. Top-level paths (starting with /) and absolute requests (https://...) paths are also supported.

HTML Attributes

As part of the extended Markdown syntax supported in this platform, custom attributes can be added to various elements.

  • paragraphs
  • links
  • images

To use HTML attributes, append {...} to the end of the line with the HTML tags inside. As some examples:

Short paragraph with class="center" added

This is a short example paragraph {.center}
Longer and multi-line paragraphs also support custom attributes.
These can be added _after_ the last line, without a blank space between.

This link will have a title and target set. Since both paragraphs and links support extended attributes, try to ensure no space between the link and curly brace.

[Go Search]({title="Search for something" target=_blank}

This image will have a border

![test image](test.png){style="border:5px solid pink;"}

Valid Attributes and Shorthand

Below is a list of attributes and shorthand versions, but ANY HTML ATTRIBUTE is supported.

Attribute Description Example
"." prefix Shorthand for class=... {.center}
"#" prefix Shorthand for id=... {#myid}
style CSS style attributes {style="border:5px solid pink;"}
title Title attribute {title="My Title"}
target Target attribute {target=_blank}
data-* Data attributes {data-foo="bar"}