* Handler for collection of files for CMS
* @module CMS
* @license The MIT License (MIT)
* @copyright (c) 2021 Chris Diana | https://chrisdiana.github.io/cms.js
* @copyright (c) 2025 eVAL Agency
* @author Charlie Powell
* @see https://github.com/eVAL-Agency/MarkdownMasterCMS
import {renderLayout} from './templater';
import {pathJoin} from './utils';
import File from './file';
import Log from './log';
import CMSError from './cmserror';
import TemplateObject from './templateobject';
let _queuedMetas = null;
let _queuedMetasPromises = [];
let _queuedGetMetas = async (path) => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
if (_queuedMetas === null) {
// Not loaded yet
_queuedMetas = true;
_queuedMetasPromises.push([resolve, reject]);
.then(resp => {
if (resp.status !== 200) {
_queuedMetas = false;
_queuedMetasPromises.forEach(r => {
r[1]('Server did not return a 200 successful');
else {
return resp.json();
.then(data => {
_queuedMetas = data;
// Resolve all the queued entries now
Log.Debug('FileCollection._queuedGetMetas', 'Meta.json loaded from server, resolving all promises now');
_queuedMetasPromises.forEach(r => {
} else if (_queuedMetas === true) {
// Pending, add to queue
_queuedMetasPromises.push([resolve, reject]);
} else if (_queuedMetas === false) {
// Failed
reject('Previous lookup did not succeed, not retrying');
} else {
// Already received, just return the data.
* Represents a file collection.
* @constructor
* @param {string} type The type of file collection (i.e. posts, pages).
* @param {Object} layout The layouts of the file collection type.
* @param {string} layout.list Listing template
* @param {string} layout.single Single page template
* @param {string} layout.sort Default sort for listing view
* @param {string} layout.title Title for listing view
* @param {Config} config Configuration from the CMS
class FileCollection extends TemplateObject {
constructor(type, layout, config) {
this.type = type;
this.layout = layout;
this.config = config;
this.files = [];
this.directories = [];
this[type] = this.files;
* @type {null|number}
this.page = null;
* @type {null|number}
this.totalPages = null;
* @type {null|number}
this.resultsPerPage = null;
* @type {null|number}
this.totalResults = null;
* Initialize file collection
* @async
* @returns {Promise}
async init() {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
.then(() => {
.catch((e) => {
// Try the slow method of scanning for directory listings
Log.Debug('FileCollection.init/' + this.type, 'Failed to load files from server, falling back to directory scan', e);
this.getFiles().then(() => {
this.loadFiles().then(() => {
* Get file list URL
* @returns {string} URL of file list
getFileListUrl() {
return pathJoin(this.config.webpath, this.type);
* Get the URL for the previous page (when pagination is enabled)
* @returns {string}
getPreviousPageUrl() {
let url = this.getFileListUrl() + '.html',
u = new URLSearchParams(window.location.search);
if (this.page !== null && this.page > 1) {
u.set('page', (this.page - 1).toString());
return url + '?' + u.toString();
* Get the URL for the next page (when pagination is enabled)
* @returns {string}
getNextPageUrl() {
let url = this.getFileListUrl() + '.html',
u = new URLSearchParams(window.location.search);
if (this.page !== null && this.page < this.totalPages) {
u.set('page', (this.page + 1).toString());
return url + '?' + u.toString();
* Get the URL for the requested page (when pagination is enabled)
* @param {number} page
* @returns {string}
getPageUrl(page) {
let url = this.getFileListUrl() + '.html',
u = new URLSearchParams(window.location.search);
if (page >= 1 && page <= this.totalPages) {
u.set('page', (page).toString());
return url + '?' + u.toString();
* Get list of file elements from either the returned listing page scan (or JSON data for GITHUB)
* @param {string} data - HTML code from directory listing
* @returns {string[]} URLs of files and directories located
getFileElements(data) {
let fileElements = [];
// convert the directory listing to a DOM element
let listElement = document.createElement('div');
listElement.innerHTML = data;
// get the valid links in the directory listing
listElement.querySelectorAll('a').forEach(el => {
let href = el.getAttribute('href');
if (href !== '../' && (href.endsWith(this.config.extension) || href.endsWith('/'))) {
return fileElements;
* Get files from file listing and set to file collection.
* @method
* @async
* @returns {Promise}
async getFiles() {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
// Scan the top-level directory first
.then(directories => {
// THEN scan any child directory discovered to allow for 1-level depth paths
let promises = [];
for (let dir of directories) {
if (promises.length > 0) {
.then(() => {
} else {
// No additional directories found, resolve immediately.
* Get files from file listing and set to file collection.
* @method
* @async
* @returns {Promise}
async getFilesByServer() {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
Log.Debug('FileCollection.getFilesByServer/' + this.type, 'Retrieving files metadata from server script meta.json');
// Try the server-side script first to pull files, this will save on calls
_queuedGetMetas(pathJoin(this.config.webpath, 'meta.json'))
.then(data => {
if (typeof(data[this.type]) === 'undefined') {
// Not set
reject('No collection matched');
data[this.type].forEach(file => {
Log.Debug('FileCollection.getFilesByServer/' + this.type, 'Found valid file, adding to collection', {file});
let f = new File(file.path, this.type, this.layout.single, this.config);
// Set the timestamp from the server, (so clients will request an up-to-date version when applicable)
f.timestamp = file.timestamp;
try {
} catch (e) {
Log.Error('Failed to parse file', {file, e});
.catch(e => {
* Perform the underlying directory lookup
* @method
* @async
* @param {string} directory Directory URL to scan
* @returns {Promise<string[]>} Array of subdirectories found
async scanDirectory(directory) {
Log.Debug('FileCollection.scanDirectory/' + this.type, 'Scanning directory', directory);
return new Promise((resolve) => {
.then(response => {
return response.text();
.then(contents => {
let directories = [];
this.getFileElements(contents).forEach(file => {
let fileUrl = file.startsWith('/') ? file : pathJoin(directory, file);
if (
// Skip top-level path
fileUrl !== this.config.webpath &&
// Must be a file on this site
fileUrl.indexOf(this.config.webpath) === 0 &&
// Must end with the extension configured
) {
// Regular markdown file
Log.Debug('FileCollection.scanDirectory/' + this.type, 'Found valid file, adding to collection', {directory, file, fileUrl});
this.files.push(new File(fileUrl, this.type, this.layout.single, this.config));
} else if (
// skip checking '?...' sort option links
fileUrl[fileUrl.length - 1] === '/' &&
// skip top-level path
fileUrl !== this.config.webpath &&
// skip parent directory links, we're going DOWN, not UP
fileUrl.indexOf('/../') === -1
) {
// in SERVER mode, support recursing ONE directory deep.
// Allow this for any directory listing NOT absolutely resolved (they will just point back to the parent directory)
} else {
Log.Debug('FileCollection.scanDirectory/' + this.type, 'Skipping invalid link', {directory, file, fileUrl});
Log.Debug('FileCollection.scanDirectory/' + this.type, 'Scanning of ' + directory + ' complete');
* Load files and get file content.
* @method
* @async
* @returns {Promise}
async loadFiles() {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
let promises = [];
this.files.forEach((file) => {
// Once all files have been loaded, notify the parent
Promise.allSettled(promises).then(() => {
* Reset filters and sorting
resetFilters() {
//this.entries = this.files;
this[this.type] = this.files.filter((file) => {
return !file.draft;
* Sort results by a given parameter
* If a function is requested, that is used to sort the results.
* If a string is requested, only specific keywords are supported. Use -r to inverse results.
* If NULL is requested, the default sort for this collection type is used.
* Common sort parameters:
* * title - Sort by page title
* * random - Sort randomly
* * recent - Sort by most recent
* @param {function|string|null} [param=null] A function, string, or empty value to sort by
filterSort(param) {
// Provide some useful defaults and shortcut values
if (typeof (param) === 'undefined' || param === null) {
param = this.layout.sort || 'title';
else if (param === 'random') {
// Allow convenience method for randomizing results
param = () => {
return 0.5 - Math.random();
else if (param === 'recent') {
param = 'datetime-r';
if (typeof (param) === 'function') {
// Allow user to define their own function for sorting
else {
let params = [];
// Allow multiple comma-separated parameters to be requested
if (param.indexOf(',') !== -1) {
params = param.split(',').map(p => p.trim());
} else {
params = [ param ];
// Detect if the reverse order is requested ("-r" suffix) and inverse the directionality if so
for (let i = 0; i < params.length; i++) {
if (params[i].match(/-r$/)) {
params[i] = {
direction: -1,
key: params[i].substring(0, params[i].length - 2)
} else {
params[i] = {
direction: 1,
key: params[i]
this[this.type].sort((a, b) => {
// Loop through each key requested (in order) and check if one of them differ.
for(let i = 0; i < params.length; i++) {
if ((a[params[i].key] || null) > (b[params[i].key] || null)) {
// A > B, this is 1 in normal and -1 in reversed
return params[i].direction;
if ((a[params[i].key] || null) < (b[params[i].key] || null)) {
// A < B, this is -1 (1 * -1) in normal and 1 (-1 * -1) in reversed
return params[i].direction * -1;
// All requested keys are the same
return 0;
* Search file collection by attribute.
* @param {string} search - Search query.
* @returns {File[]} Set of filtered files
filterSearch(search) {
Log.Debug('FileCollection.filterSearch/' + this.type, 'Performing text search for files', search);
this[this.type] = this[this.type].filter((file) => {
return file.matchesSearch(search);
return this[this.type];
* Search file collection by arbitrary attributes
* @see {@link module:CMS~File#matchesAttributeSearch} for full documentation of usage
* @param {Object} search Dictionary containing key/values to search
* @param {string} [mode=AND] "OR" or "AND" if we should check all keys or any of them
* @returns {File[]} Set of filtered files
filterAttributeSearch(search, mode) {
mode = mode || 'AND';
Log.Debug('FileCollection.filterAttributeSearch/' + this.type, 'Performing "' + mode + '" attribute search for files', search);
this[this.type] = this[this.type].filter((file) => {
return file.matchesAttributeSearch(search, mode);
return this[this.type];
* Filter content to display by a tag (Convenience method)
* @see filterAttributeSearch
* @param {string} query - Search query.
* @returns {File[]} Set of filtered files
filterTag(query) {
return this.filterAttributeSearch({tags: query});
* Filter results by a URL regex (Convenience method)
* @see filterAttributeSearch
* @param {string} url URL fragment/regex to filter against
* @returns {File[]} Set of filtered files
filterPermalink(url) {
return this.filterAttributeSearch({permalink: '~ ' + url + '.*'});
* Get all tags located from this collection
* Each set will contain the properties `name`, `count`, `url`, and `weight`.
* @param {string|null} [sort=null] Key ['name', 'count', 'url'] to sort results
* @param {number} [weightMax=10] Max weight
* @returns {Object} {{name: string, count: number, url: string, weight: int}[]}
getTags(sort = null, weightMax = 10) {
let tags = [],
tagNames = [],
maxPages = 1;
this.files.forEach(file => {
if (!file.draft && file.tags && Array.isArray(file.tags)) {
file.tags.forEach(tag => {
let tag_lower = tag.toLowerCase(),
pos = tagNames.indexOf(tag_lower);
if (pos === -1) {
// New tag discovered
name: tag,
count: 1,
url: this.config.webpath + this.type + '.html?tag=' + encodeURIComponent(tag_lower)
} else {
// Existing tag
maxPages = Math.max(maxPages, tags[pos].count);
// To assist with CSS, assign a relative weight to each entry based on the count and total count discovered
for(let i = 0; i < tags.length; i++) {
tags[i]['weight'] = Math.ceil(tags[i].count / maxPages * weightMax);
if (sort) {
tags.sort((a, b) => { return a[sort] > b[sort]; });
return tags;
* Get file by permalink.
* @method
* @param {string} permalink - Permalink to search.
* @returns {File} File object.
* @throws {CMSError}
getFileByPermalink(permalink) {
Log.Debug('FileCollection.getFileByPermalink/' + this.type, 'Retrieving file by permalink', permalink);
let foundFiles = this.files.filter((file) => {
return file.permalink === permalink ||
file.permalink === this.config.webpath + permalink;
if (foundFiles.length === 0) {
// The page may still exist, just not have been loaded by the server scan.
// This occurs when the page is flagged as draft mode,
// (but draft pages should still be visible if you know the URL).
let url = permalink.replace('.html', '.md');
if (!url.startsWith(this.config.webpath)) {
url = this.config.webpath + url;
let f = new File(
try {
return f;
} catch (e) {
throw new CMSError(404, 'Requested file could not be located');
return foundFiles[0];
* Set pagination (total number of results) for this collection
* @param {number} results
paginate(results, page) {
results = results || 20;
let u = new URLSearchParams(window.location.search),
start, end;
this.resultsPerPage = results;
this.page = page || (u.has('page') ? parseInt(u.get('page')) : 1);
this.totalResults = this[this.type].length;
this.totalPages = Math.ceil(this.totalResults / this.resultsPerPage);
if (this.page > this.totalPages) {
// Sanity check to limit to number of pages
this.page = this.totalPages;
start = (this.page - 1) * this.resultsPerPage;
end = Math.min(this.page * this.resultsPerPage, this.totalResults);
this[this.type] = this[this.type].slice(start, end);
* Renders file collection.
* @async
* @returns {Promise}
* @throws {Error}
async render() {
// Rendering a full page will update the page title
if (this.layout.title) {
document.title = this.layout.title;
} else {
document.title = 'Listing';
return renderLayout(this.layout.list, this);
export default FileCollection;